APPs Strategies

Application leaders of application strategy & architectures must learn to thrive in an era of continuous transformation.Get the comprehensive update you need to bring your application strategy and architecture strategy into the next decade. Covering the latest best practices for application architecture, development and integration as well as leading-edge insights on emerging technologies and practice (agile, product delivery, microservice, AI, BPM), this is the one best great conference where you can update your perspective on application strategies for next decade.

The Conversational Customer Journey

Every aspect of the customer journey is now conversational.


David’s Bridal helps customers plan the wedding of their dreams through Apple Business Chat, information on The Home Depot’s products and services are now available via SMS, and the luxury shoe brand Tamara Mellon targets its customers via conversational ads.


From luxury retail to mass market to home improvement stores: learn how leading retail brands deliver a one-to-one personalised experience across the customer journey, at scale, in today’s preferred channel: Messaging.

Die Conversational Customer Journey

Viele Aspekte der Customer Journey sind digital – es ist an der Zeit, sie Conversational zu machen.

David’s Bridal nutzt Apple Business Chat, ummit ihren Kunden ihre Traumhochzeit zu organisieren.  Produktinformationen und
Serviceangebote sind bei The Home Depot nun auch per SMS verfügbar.  Die Luxusschuhmarke Tamara Mellon erreicht ihre Zielgruppe über interaktive Messaging Werbung.

Von Massenprodukten bis hin zu Luxusgütern: erfahren Sie, wie führende Einzelhändler eine personalisierte Beziehung mit ihren Kunden
aufbauen – über einen Kanal, den die Mehrheit der Konsumenten heutzutage bevorzugen: Messaging.

Be Tomorrow’s Retail Disruptor

Disruption of retail continues into 2020 but some retailers are not just avoiding disruption but actually be coming disruptors themselves.

While business optimisation and transformation are the order of the day when it comes to being a disruptor what is needed?  What makes these disruptors special?

What are they doing differently and how can others learn from their approach to drive rapid innovation and move from being disrupted to being a disruptor?

Protect your Apps and APIs to deliver secure digital experiences

As digital transformation continues to expand, the exploding numbers of applications, integrations, and platforms are creating complexity that’s increasingly unmanageable. Ensuring customers have an excellent digital experience is more important than ever, but so is security. So how do you balance it all?

We’re hosting an exclusive dinner for security leaders to discuss common challenges around apps and API security and how their organisations care about securing their digital experiences. It’s a great opportunity to meet with peers, share insights and benchmark ideas.

It’s time to make cybersecurity personal.

Join us and F5 in this exclusive dinner will gather security leaders to discuss common challenges around Apps and API security and how their organisations can secure their digital experiences. It’s a great opportunity to meet with peers, share insights and benchmark ideas.

Wie KI den Bereich Digitale Identitäten Revolutioniert

Von personalisierter Benutzererfahrung über automatisiertes Risk Management bis hin zur Abdeckung vielschichtiger Compliance-Anforderungen.

In den vergangenen Jahren hat künstliche Intelligenz eine rasante Entwicklung genommen, getrieben durch massive Fortschritte sowohl bei den Algorithmen, gerade im Bereich maschinellem Lernen (ML), als auch bei der zur Verfügung stehenden Rechenleistung.

Davon profitiert zunehmend auch der Bereich der Digitalen Identitäten und des Identitätsmanagement. KI unterstützt Mitarbeiter, Kunden und Partner dabei, Risiken zu identifizieren, Berechtigungen gezielter zu vergeben und die Anmeldung von Nutzern systematischer zu überprüfen. Damit lassen sich auch die Registrierungs- und Anmeldeprozesse von Kunden verbessern, indem man zielgenau erkennt, wo es sich wirklich um Versuche einer missbräuchlichen Nutzung handelt.


How can you effectively protect your hybrid data against the continuing threat of cybercrime?

Enterprises today want and need faster, more efficient data protection across a growing number of clouds, edge, and on-premises storage locations. Complex enterprise environments introduce risk when data silos or pockets of data are not well managed. Therefore, the enterprise approach to data management must become more efficient.

More organisations are moving toward a hybrid cloud environment to reduce their geographical footprint, reduce costs, and protect against data loss in the event of a disaster. But that journey remains challenging.

How are you removing data silos to protect your hybrid cloud?

How are you managing the rise in cybercrime?

And where do you start?


Join us and Commvault and a select group of your peers as we discuss the best enterprise approaches to data management to thrive, accelerate, and digitally transform.

Resiliencia de la ciberseguridad en la era de las identidades

Todas las organizaciones son susceptibles de ser víctimas de la proliferación de identidades. Es un riesgo de seguridad que surge detrás de políticas de productividad e innovación, concebidas para operar de manera más rápida y efectiva. El objeto de estas políticas es apoyar el negocio con recursos capaces de optimizar la ejecución de las actividades diarias. Pero a medida que se implantan los problemas se manifiestan: cada nuevo sistema, aplicación o base de datos a la que se conectan los usuarios tiene un proceso específico para la gestión de credenciales y sus requisitos correspondientes. Algunos más o menos estrictos, otros más efectivos. Muchos, son simplemente insuficientes. A menudo, ni siquiera existe una correcta visibilidad de las personas con accesos y su actividad en los entornos en los que operan. Añada a esto la necesidad constante de proporcionar acceso remoto privilegiado a los administradores, gestionar un número cada vez mayor de usuarios externos conectados a más dispositivos, sistemas operativos y navegadores, y la necesidad de controlar una amplia gama de cuentas, identidades y contraseñas. Una correcta orquestación de estos parámetros es absolutamente irrenunciable en una seguridad basada en identidades como la que se impone en estos tiempos.

¿Qué piensa hacer para controlar y gestionar este fenómeno y equilibrar la productividad y la seguridad?

Compliance et Ransomware

En Suisse, plus de 300 cybercrimes sont signalés par semaine.
La complexité ainsi que l’évolution des menaces, la croissance de la mobilité, du BYOD, ainsi que la migration vers le Cloud et L’IOT étendent la surface d’attaque – les brèches se multiplient. Quelques soient les applications SAAS, les cloud IAAS ou PAAS, ou encore les Data Center on Premise, les risques sont immenses. Les groupes de cybercriminels et les RaaS (Ransomware as a Service) sont le nouveau crime organisé et représentent la mafia des années 2020.

En outre, vous conformer aux exigences en matière de Compliance devient de plus en plus difficile sans un partenaire de confiance à vos côtés.

C’est pourquoi, vous invite le 28 juin prochain à 18.00 à l’occasion d’un évènement exclusif afin que vous puissiez intégrer nos méthodes et solutions dans votre stratégie de défense.

Resilienza per la sicurezza informatica in un’era di proliferazione delle identità

Le aziende moderne sono spesso vittime della proliferazione delle identità. È un rischio di sicurezza insidioso che nasce dietro le maschere della produttività e dell’innovazione, che dovrebbero consentire di operare in modo più veloce ed efficace. Sembra il modo ideale per supportare il business con risorse in grado di ottimizzare l’esecuzione delle attività quotidiane, ma i problemi non tardano a manifestarsi: ogni nuovo sistema, app o database a cui gli utenti si connettono dispone di un processo specifico per la gestione di credenziali e requisiti. Alcuni sono meno severi di altri. Alcuni sono meno sicuri di altri. Alcuni sono più efficaci. Molti sono insufficienti. Spesso, non esiste neanche una corretta visibilità delle persone dotate di accesso e dell’attività di questi soggetti. A tutto ciò si aggiunge la continua necessità di fornire un accesso remoto privilegiato agli amministratori, gestire un numero crescente di utenti esterni connessi con un numero ancora maggiore di dispositivi, sistemi operativi e browser e la necessità di controllare una vasta gamma di account, ID e password.

Cosa intendi fare per controllare e gestire
questo fenomeno e bilanciare produttività e sicurezza?


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