Innovations like IoT technology and the cloud have clear benefits: they reduce costs, improve processes and can be rapidly implemented.  Which is great – but only if cybersecurity is baked-in from the start. Sadly, this often isn’t the case: organizations are opening up their networks to new risks.

Cybersecurity needs to take a lead role in any digital transformation discussion.  What steps need to be taken to maintain security as your business continues to digitalize?

This exclusive event is an open discussion about how to ‘Transform Securely’. It’s a chance for you to learn from your peers about how they’re securing digital transformation within their organizations.

Join us and our speaker, Avi Corfas, Skybox Security’s Vice President, will also share industry best practices.

Spread The Word

Join Us and Discuss…

  • How important a role does cybersecurity play in discussions around digital transformation within your organization?
  • Are you worried about how digital transformation projects are fragmenting your network?
  • Do you have full visibility of your expanded network infrastructure?
  • Are you able to secure large-scale business changes like mergers, acquisitions and divestments with your current set-up?

19th Sep, 2019
DATE19 September, 2019 TIME06:00 PM - 10:30 PM VENUETo be provided upon registration
  • 17:15 Chauffeur Service
  • 18:00 Executive Dinner Reception & Welcome Cocktail
  • 19:00 Executive Peer Introduction
  • 19:30 Starter
  • 20:00 Expert Speaker Presentation
  • 20:20 Questions & Answers
  • 20:40 Main Course
  • 21:30 Dessert
  • 22:15 Chauffeur Service
  • 22:30 End of Executive Dinner

To Register

The Executive Dinner – Transform Securely: Securing your Digital Transformation Strategy – is an executive event created for professionals to come together to discuss industry trends and topics at a high level, peer-to-peer environment.


This exclusive event is limited to a number of executive guests.  Participation is free of charge.
Please note that your registration of the event shall only be confirmed once the request is authorized and BEE sends an official confirmation email.


To register or further information, kindly send a quick email to

JOIN US for senior-level conversations, exchange of ideas and networking at Be Exclusive Events’ Exclusive, intimate, Executive Dinner – Transform Securely: Securing your Digital Transformation Strategy.


This particular CxO Dinner would be of interest to professionals with the following titles:

  • Chief Information Officer
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Chief Security Officer
  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Chief Architect
  • And VPs, Head of Departments with responsibilities in Cybersecurity, InfoSec, IT Platforms, SRE, Infrastructure, IT and Digital Transformation




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