Stay relevant in a world of disruption: join Kronos, Christian Kromme – author and futurist keynote speaker – and your industry peers to jointly explore the key areas that business leaders need to focus on to futureproof their businesses in a world of disruption.

Gartner predicts that AI could destroy 1.8 million jobs while at the same time creating a total of 2.3 million new jobs.  A work environment  that connects humans and technology in the right way i s , therefore, a key pillar to success.

During this dinner, we will explore some of the areas that AI will deliver to bottom line performance and what role your employees need to play in the future of your business.

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Our Speaker

Christian Kromme
TEDx Speaker and Best Selling Author

Futurist, Entrepreneur en Bestseller Author Much in-demand futurist, visionary, TEDx speaker and bestseller author Christian Kromme gives lectures, keynotes and inspiration sessions for companies and organisations all around the world.

The connecting factor in his work is Humanification.

During his inspiring keynotes, Christian explains how organisations can benefit from the latest technological changes. He challenges organisations to think like a surfer.  So organisations know how to surf the next great wave of technological change. This helps organisations to achieve success in this new future changes.

Join us and gain insights about…

  • How to predict the future
  • Meet the next wave of disruption (AI)
  • Impact of AI on the Workforce
  • Human Empowerment
  • From hard skills to soft skills

6th Dec, 2018
DATE06 December, 2018 TIME06:00 PM - 10:30 PM VENUETo be provided upon registration
  • 17:15 Chauffeur Service
  • 18:00 Executive Dinner Reception & Welcome Cocktail
  • 19:00 Executive Peer Introduction
  • 19:30 Starter
  • 20:00 Expert Speaker Presentation
  • 20:20 Questions & Answers
  • 20:40 Main Course
  • 21:30 Dessert
  • 22:15 Chauffeur Service
  • 22:30 End of Executive Dinner

To Register

The Executive Dinner – Successfully Shaping The Future Of Work In Your Organisation: How To Go Digital Yet Stay Human In A World Of Disruption – is an executive event created for professionals to come together to discuss industry trends and topics at a high level, peer-to-peer environment.

This exclusive event is limited to a number of executive guests.  Participation is free of charge.
Please note that your registration of the event shall only be confirmed once the request is authorized and BEE sends an official confirmation email.

To register or further information, kindly send a quick email to

JOIN US for senior-level conversations, exchange of ideas and networking at Be Exclusive Events’ Exclusive, intimate, Executive Dinner – Successfully Shaping The Future Of Work In Your Organisation: How To Go Digital Yet Stay Human In A World Of Disruption.


This particular CxO Dinner would be of interest to professionals with the following titles:

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • SVP/EVP/VP’s of Human Resources and Finance
  • Heads of Departments and Directors of Human Resources and Finance


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