IT is under pressure to act at speed, to deliver transformational change, to adopt new digital technologies and tools, and to respond to the ever-changing behaviour and expectations of customers. But all of this must be underpinned by a robust and secure IT infrastructure. This is especially true when the applications and services being delivered are mission-critical to the business.

There is little that is dull in this industry, with the rapid pace of IT innovation, agile infrastructure and the need for data to be close to customers and employees wherever they are. In the data centre, this means servers, networks and storage.

Today, the data centre is being built as a hybrid cloud – with some applications residing and being managed in the data centre and others sourced from the cloud. Security, performance and compliance or regulatory requirements are the criteria that drive the decision between on-premises and the cloud.

Spread The Word

Join us in an evening of discussion to learn how to tackle the data centre transformation:

  • Establish a clear strategy
  • Embrace new delivery models
  • Understand and prioritise risks
  • Integrate public cloud
  • Implement the plan
23rd Nov, 2023
DATE23 November, 2023 TIME18:00 PM - 22:00 PM VENUETo be provided upon registration
  • 17:15 Chauffeur Service
  • 18:00 Executive Dinner Reception & Welcome Cocktail
  • 19:00 Executive Peer Introduction
  • 19:30 Starter
  • 20:00 Speaker Presentation
  • 20:15 Questions & Answers
  • 20:30 Main Course
  • 21:15 Dessert
  • 22:15 Chauffeur Service
  • 22:30 End of Executive Dinner

To Register

This event – The Data Centre is Dead…Long Live the Data Centre! – is an exclusive event created for thought-provoking discussions between IT professionals to come together to discuss industry trends and topics in a high level, peer-to-peer environment.

This event is limited to a number of guests. Participation is free of charge.
Please note that your event registration will only be confirmed once BEE sends an official confirmation email.

For further information, kindly send a quick email to

JOIN US for senior-level conversations, exchanging ideas and networking at Be Executive Events’ intimate, Exclusive Dinner – The Data Centre is Dead…Long Live the Data Centre!.

This particular event would be of interest to professionals with the following titles:

  • Chief Information Officer
  • Chief Cloud Officer
  • Chief Innovation Officer
  • Chief Transformation Officer
  • CxOs, SVP/EVP/VPs and Head of departments with responsibilities in Data, Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Hybrid Infrastructure, Innovation, Digital Transformation, AI, IT and IT Infrastructure.


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