Leading organizations in every industry are wielding data and analytics as competitive weapons, operational accelerants and innovation catalysts.

New business models and sweeping technology change, including AI, are driving the need for a data and analytics-centric culture. Trust and ethics must be established and supported.

Data literacy is imperative. New behaviours and skills will be required. Creative thinking must be cultivated as a fundamental competency. Leaders must evolve their organizational culture by design to support and foster the creativity necessary to survive and thrive in these times of change.

Spread The Word

Join us and learn how to redesign your culture for an AI-augmented future:

  • Understand how to deliver actionable insights through the art and technology of great data storytelling
  • Allay privacy fears and encourage trusted data sharing and analysis through adaptive governance
  • Develop the resilience, adaptability, agility and leadership skills needed to succeed
  • Embrace the key future trends that will disrupt and transform your business


10th Feb, 2021
DATE10 February, 2021 TIME06:00 PM - 10:30 PM VENUETo be provided upon registration
  • 17:15 Chauffeur Service
  • 18:00 Executive Dinner Reception & Welcome Cocktail
  • 19:00 Executive Peer Introduction
  • 19:30 Starter
  • 20:00 Expert Speaker Presentation
  • 20:20 Questions & Answers
  • 20:40 Main Course
  • 21:30 Dessert
  • 22:15 Chauffeur Service
  • 22:30 End of Executive Dinner

To Register

The Executive Dinner – Data & Analytics – is an executive event created for professionals to come together to discuss industry trends and topics at a high level, peer-to-peer environment.


This exclusive event is limited to a number of executive guests.  Participation is free of charge.
Please note that your registration of the event shall only be confirmed once the request is authorized and BEE sends an official confirmation email.


To register or further information, kindly send a quick email to Reg@BeExecutiveEvents.com

JOIN US for senior-level conversations, exchange of ideas and networking at Be Exclusive Events’ Exclusive, intimate, Executive Dinner – Data & Analytics.


This particular CxO Dinner would be of interest to professionals with the following titles:

  • Chief Data Officer
  • Chief Analytics Officer
  • Chief Architect Officer
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Chief Innovation Officer
  • SVP/EVP/VP, Heads of Departments and Directors with responsibilities in Data & Analytics, IT, Business Intelligence, Architecture and Infrastructure.




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